Historical Log of First Saturday Cruises
(2021 - 2023)

First Saturday Cruise (October 7, 2023): S/V MoneyPenny (Bill B. & Pam with Bill A. and Laura) and S/V Out of Office (David & Jacqueline with Lee, Nancy, and Sarah). Photos courtesy of Jacqueline.

Previous First Saturday Cruises:
September 2, 2023 (first photo); July 1, 2023 (next 2 photos courtesy of Jacqueline Steadman; next 6 by Norman Plotkin)
May 6, 2023 - "Brunch on the Lake" (latter 7 photos courtesy of Norman Plotkin)
October 7, 2023
Saturday was an iconic fall sailing day and we had a good group of 9 people divided between two 36' boats. That was a nice size boat to have for the NW winds running 15 kts gusting up to 29 for much of the day.
We sailed up to anchor for lunch in the big cove at the southern end of 3 Sisters Island. Due to the wind we didn't plan to raft up, just anchor within "hailing distance", though turns out the cove was well protected enough that a raft up could have worked (next time!). That cove is so nice that it is usually filled with powerboats in the summer, but it was just us and a single cabin cruiser on Saturday. The upwind leg was gusty and a bit sporty but the beam/broad reach return to Sunrise Cove was fall sailing at its best. Our boat chose the long way home around the islands outside Sunrise Cove because we weren't ready to go home yet.
September 3, 2023
September 2nd First Saturday Cruise was loads of fun and gentle sailing. We met up at Sunrise Cove Marina at 11. Gentle winds from the East so we decided to sail down the lake to Holiday to have lunch at Twisted Oar. Pictured above (first photo) is "Money Penny" and "Starcatcher" at the Twisted Oar" dock.
August 10, 2023
We had two boats and 3 crew at our August 5 First Saturday Cruise. Thanks to "Sailing on Purpose" and "Starcatcher" and crew. Wind died as soon as we all got out on the lake and with all the power boats out, we decided to get together at Pizza Cove for a swim to cool off and enjoy the afternoon aboard our boats.
Next First Saturday Cruise is Saturday,September 2nd, Labor day weekend. We will meet at Sunrise Cove club house deck at 11 a.m. Please go to our website to sign up. Invite friends you know that are not members of our club but might be interested in boating and sailing on our lake.
Club elections are coming up soon. If interested in becoming Cruise Captain for next year, please email Norman.
July 1, 2023
July 1st Saturday Cruise was enjoyed by many. As winds were very light and the lake busy with power boats, we all motored over to a cove for a raft up, lunch and swim to cool off. Thanks to skippers Rod, David & Jaqueline, Bill & Pam, and Tom and to all the crew. We all departed before the storm that blew through later in the afternoon. August 5th is the next First Saturday Cruise.​
June 3, 2023
Thanks to Lee Cook for managing the June 3rd First Saturday Cruise, which was also the last on-the-water training session for our Learn to Sail program—so ably coordinated, organized and directed by Tom Graham. We had 4 boats—2 with skipper and 1 student, and 2 with skipper and 4 or 5 students or cruisers:
• Bruce with his trimaran Dragonfly and student crew Gail Rodriguez
• Jeff with Shameless and student crew Maggie
• Rory with his boat Dream and an experienced captain as trainer (Bruce W.), David, Nancy Spraker, Kevin, and John
• Tom O'Shea on It's Here, with me and 4 others, but only 2 actual students, Marilyn (with husband Bill, an experienced sailor) and Nancy Du, a newbie; and Evelyn Rosier and her friend were essentially just cruisin'.
May 6, 2023
All week the weather forecast did not look good as showers were predicted. However, the day turned out to be nice with clouds, cool and the sun broke out through the clouds be early afternoon. Winds were light 5 to 8 knots. 6 boats made the cruise for a brunch (great food and drink) raft up and then a nice gentle sail. Thanks to our skippers and crews for a most enjoyable day on the lake.
April 1, 2023
April Fool's First Saturday Cruise - the joke by Mother Nature on us. Winds by early afternoon exceeded 20 knots. Gusts may have exceeded 35 knots. Only a few brave souls, Rory, Tom O. and Evelyn braved the winds but returned before the worst of the afternoon "breeze." The rest of us retreated to Branch House for brunch.
March 4, 2023
Spring visited early with a picture perfect sunny day in the 60s. Cruisers celebrated March Madness by wearing their favorite sports team colors and fan gear.
February 4, 2023
February cruises tend to be the coldest of the year. And so, it seemed quite appropriate to name it the "Polar Bear Cruise." Eight intrepid souls bundled up - some even donning polar bear costumes - to brave chilly temps in the 40s. Early reports are that it was a sunny, fun day out on the water.
January 2023
{The January cruise was skipped in lieu of the annual New Year's Day Dean Holcomb Poker Run.}
November 5, 2022
We had a willing skipper, but unfortunately, no crew were available for today's cruise. Day was cloudy with predictions of rain that may have kept folks away. Please join us for the next cruise on December 3rd.
October 1, 2022 (cancelled)
Cancelled due to the lingering after-effects of Ian.
September 10, 2022 (cancelled)
Cancelled at skippers meeting due to poor weather conditions.
August 6, 2022
Because there was very light wind and lots of powerboats chopping up the lake, the few hearty souls that showed up for the first Saturday cruise agreed to motor over to a Cove to enjoy a swim and adult libations. Thanks to Patrick for coming out with his boat and to Lee, Doug, Kerry, Lois and Guest Ben Bailey.
June 4, 2022
May 7, 2022
April 2, 2022
A morning that started cool and breezy evolved into a comfortable, low-wind (sometimes no wind) afternoon....not fast sailing but good for a soothing day on the water.
March 5, 2022
February 5, 2022 (cancelled)
December 4, 2021
November 6, 2021
Weather for this Saturday's "First Saturday Cruise" is looking good. It will be sunny with light winds. But it will fill chilly on the lake with temps getting up to maybe 60 by mid afternoon. If you plan on coming to the cruise as a skipper or crew, please sign up. Dress in layers. Skippers and crews meet at 11 a.m. at the Sunrise Marina clubhouse deck. There will be coffee and donuts for all.
September 18, 2021 (cancelled)
August 7, 2021
July 3, 2021
Six Barefoot boats were out on the water Saturday enjoying University Yacht Club's annual July 3rd fireworks show commemorating Independence Day. Thanks to Cruise Captain Norman Plotkin and Lee Cook for taking crew out on Favored End. And a special shout-out to Bruce Barton for immediately stepping up to volunteer his boat for a last minute need.
As Norman recalls, "Barefoot Sailors enjoying the fireworks at UYC where we were aboard the BSC pontoon, Favored End, rafted up with 3 other Barefoot Sailors. Enjoyed the fireworks and the nerve-racking cruise back to Aqualand with all the other boats moving around in the dark."
June 5, 2021
May 1, 2021
April 3, 2021
Barefoot Sailing Club started to cruise again after a year off to stop the spread of COVID. All participants had been vaccinated and enjoyed the early cool but sunny April weather. Two skippers and 5 other club members enjoyed a very light wind and cool sunny day on the lake. When the wind died away we met up at LLSC mooring balls for lunch. The wind appeared to return so we went for a sail. Only to have the wind die off again about 45 minutes later. All in all, though a great start to cruising again. Thanks to Skipper Kerry for participating and bringing along her guests.
Thank you,
March 31, 2021
It’s been a long time since we’ve had the pleasure of having a First Saturday Cruising event that matches up BFSC members with boats (skippers) with those members without. Barefoot Sailing Club is very happy to announce that the First Saturday Cruise is scheduled for April 3rd. This is great news for all of us long needing to get back to our fun times on the lake.