Historical Log of Barefoot Cruises
Saturday, November 2, 2024
It was a very quiet morning with not a ripple on the lake. It was almost glass like on the surface. The
Windy app said it would be nothing all day. Still, nine of us got together to enjoy the meet and greet on the Sunrise Cove deck. Would have been ten, but our newbie from October’s get-together who since has become a member stayed at LLSC to do some work on Bruce Barton’s trimaran.
There were three new people reviewing the opportunities of becoming members for this months First Saturday, and everybody shared in the discussion of what is available.
I was suggesting we go to Branch House to enjoy brunch since the wind was not showing up. As we were doing the photo op, the wind picked up enough where there was interest in going out on the boats. I suggested Bruce take two of the three new people with him as his boat sails well even in slight winds.
As it turns out, the wind carried us out of Sunrise’s bay over to Vann Tavern, and half a tack back to Old Federal before it died. We motored back home. When I asked Bruce about the day, he said they had great winds inside of Chattahoochee Bay, and saw it was dead on the main body of lake and avoided it.
Well, glad the new people got a chance to get some sailing in. The rest of us should have gone for eggs and toast.
Bill Bond, Cruise Captain
Saturday, October 5, 2024
A beautiful bright morning brought out three skippers and six others as crew for the day’s sail. It was such a great morning two more couples came to enjoy the social event prior to breaking for the boats even though they were not cruising today.
The cruise captain assigned himself and partner onto another Barefooter’s boat. It was a go-fast trimaran. We also had a first timer out on the lake today as well. She is a horseback rider, surfer, and now a sailor. She had just completed an ASA certification course and got some additional skipper experience.
No pre-planned meet up on the lake was scheduled this time since there was a raft up on the last 1 st Saturday which adjoined The Steak Out.
Maybe next 1st Saturday we will find a nice cove to raft up for lunch or go to one of the restaurants
on the lake. Stay tuned for which and we hope to see you there.
Bill Bond, Cruise Captain
Saturday, September 7, 2024
September First Saturday Sail involved 4 skippers and crew for all boats. After refreshments of breakfast sweets and coffee, we all boarded our respective boats for a few hours sailing. Winds were light and it was warm.
By afternoon, some skippers and crew anchored at the Steak Out Beach. Thanks to Bill Anchors running his pontoon boat and Jack Schoer running Favorite End, members without boats were able to join the steak out. 4 additional boats captained by Jon, Chico, Cyndi and Norman rafted up near the beach. We enjoyed a nice beach social and wonderful steak dinner. The pontoon boats then ferried members back to Aqualand docks.
Four rafted boats remained to camp out overnight. However, at 4:30 a.m. Chico woke up everyone on the 4 rafted boats as the wind had turned brisk and from the east and pushing the rafted boats to shallow water. We tightened the anchor on Cyndi's boat to pull the raft out of the shallows. After much discussion, all agreed to wait till sun up to figure out how to break up the raft without running aground. All was successful as the raft was able to untangle without anyone running aground.
Saturday, August 3, 2024
We thought it was going to be a lazy dog day of summer afternoon. Mother Nature decided to take care of us differently. During our meet and greet at the Sunrise Cove Marina clubhouse deck, we noticed a good breeze developing and decided to sail to the end of Three Sisters Island for a raft-up, lunch, and swim. We had two boats and eight people including one new sailor looking towards membership.
Since winds continued to turn favorable offering good speeds, the one boat carrying the Social Director opted to continue past the day’s raft-up location and spend the day searching for a beach where the upcoming Steak Out party could be held. Steak Out likes to choose a location accessible only by boat, and it needs both the beach space and protected harbor for a raft-up. I understand they had success finding a location not used previously.
The other boat turned toward the LLSC mooring field and practiced catching a mooring ball. With good success, we brought out food and drinks and added fun conversation.
We hope to catch you on the next 1st Saturday, and btw, it is the same day as the Steak Out party.
Until then, Happy Sails.
Bill Bond
Cruising Captain
Saturday, July 6, 2024
On July 6th, we met up at the Sunrise Cove Clubhouse for a brief meet and greet / skippers meeting. On hand was a new couple who wanted to see what BFSC First Saturday was all about. See their picture piloting a boat. I think they received a well rounded display into what BFSC can provide.
The mid-summer’s months generally provide small breezes. As such, we chose to motor to a close location to raft-up within the Old Federal Campground and spend the day in the water after enjoying a lunch. From the picture, you can see there were others outside our group who wanted to join in.
While in the water, we started to feel the wind pick up, and decided to put sails up and go. We left Old Federal towards Vanns Tavern on a starboard tack and moved to a port tack to return to sunrise. It was a nice return trip. Norman’s return was a closer run to LLSC.
We hope to do the same for August, but we will find another destination. Hope to see you there.
I also plan to do the LARC Moonlight Race on August 17. Hope you will register your boat and join me there as well. If you are, please send a text to me at 404.791.3275.
Bill Bond
Cruising Captain