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Dean Holcomb Poker Run
January 1, 2024

Barefoot's annual Poker Run is named for Dean Holcomb,a much-loved sailing friend we lost over the summer of 2019.



Poker run weather was a little chilly but on the nicer and exiting side with winds average 9 to 17 knots and 45 Degrees F Temperature and semi-cloudy.

The race committee went out early 9:00 AM to explore lake, the weather and to decide which markers to use. Wind was a perfect reach to H mark from the north, so this was a no brainer but then the question was either to use A-mark or B-mark. We decided on B-mark since there has been a few recent incidents rounding A-mark with the lake low level. As it turned out, B-mark was perfect reach sail to H on the day. Many thanks to Bill Anchors with his pontoon boat, Bill Bond and Duane Simms (friend of Bill Bond) for helping with installing and removing the Poker Card Socks on the markers on the cold day.


Poker Cards were placed in Markers B-X-E-H with H marker being the farther one (from the north) since we had good wind and the expectation was that skippers would enjoy the long reach sail – and they did! Skippers could start any time after the skippers meeting and pick markers in any order. It was so obvious that skippers and crew were having so much fun, we should have placed more cards in more markers! 😊


We started collecting and pulling the socks from markers at 2:40 PM (race committee crew were hungry 😊) but did not realized there was one last boat remaining that was returning from H-mark and that had not finished and was pending B-mark card – so we handed the B-Mark card at the cookout. The race committee crew were also picking up some scattered cards that fell in the water in error from boats trying to catch cards – we need to keep lake clean 😊


All-in-all, was great sailing and FUN! And we were able to see Chris Koerner new J-80 sailboat flying-by in action!

Racing Fleet Captain



Because of the support he provided Barefoot Sailing Club over the years, we decided to honor cherished memories of him with a fun event that he enjoyed.  The (typically) New Year's Day event was renamed to the Dean Holcomb Poker Run.  2024 Notice of Event | Sailing Instructions.

Post-race, we gather in the pool room at Branch House Tavern for a fiercely competitive Chili Cookoff

We're also grateful to Dean's widow Dee Rosenbaum for her steadfast devotion to Dean and mutual support of the Joan Holcomb Women Skippers Race named after his late first wife and Barefoot Commod
ore.  Dean's love of Dee was always apparent in how he glowed and spoke of her.

To read more about Dean, see his obituary on the Memorial Park Funeral Homes site.

2024 Dean Holcomb Poker Run Skippers*
Bill Bond
Bob Jirak
Bruce Barton
Byron Tobin
Christian Koerner
Dana Stewart
David Bloome
David Jackson
David Steadman
J. Lillian Gray
Jim Failmezger
Karl Soetebier
Kathy Paes
Kyle Wheatley
Lara & Jon Wittlin
Mark Travis
Norman Plotkin
Ryan Jones

* List based on registrations as of 12/31/23.

Images source: Ron Goldfarb

Images source: Ron Goldfarb

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