Hot Ruddered Bum Regatta (UYC)
Saturday, February 1, 2025

2022 Hot Ruddered Bum Regatta (February 2, 2022), Images courtesy of Dale Owens.
On February 4, UYC will host the Hot Ruddered Bum Regatta, sponsored by the UYC Maritime Foundation. The Regatta draws competitors from around Lake Lanier.
Wind permitting, the regatta consists of three races. The competing boats are divided into four classes, based on boat speed ratings (handicaps): Sport Boats, Low-PHRF, High-PHRF, and Cruisers. The overall winner in each class is awarded a bottle of rum. There is a great post-race party, featuring hot buttered rum, chili and all the fixings.
The Hot Ruddered Bum Regatta is one of the oldest open regattas on Lake Lanier, inviting sailors from around the lake. Recently some of our members pooled their efforts and searched their memories to collect information about the history of this regatta.
Bob Smith confirms that HRB was being sailed at least as early as 1975. Don Morris sailed in HRB in 1975 “or thereabout.” Terry Ellis also competed in the regatta in the mid-1970s. They recall gathering in the UYC Clubhouse after the races to enjoy the warm fireplace and hot buttered rum.
Edith Collins first raced in HRB in 1983 and 1984, soon after she began racing on Lake Lanier. She still has a copy of the lake-wide racing schedule for 1985, showing that HRB was raced on March 9 that year.
Apparently sometime in the 1990s, the HRB Regatta lapsed. During that time there were problems with conflicting race schedules among the various sailing clubs. To address that problem, in 2001-2002 a group of sailors organized the Lanier Auxiliary Racing Committee (LARC) to coordinate the racing schedule for all the clubs. P.C. Phil Eastman became the chair of the new committee. Pam Keene, who was active in the Barefoot Sailing Club (BFSC) at that time, became the Coordinator.
In 2003 when P.C. Robin Terrell was appointed UYC’s Fleet Captain Sail, Pam Keene and Edith Collins approached him to ask him to re-start the Hot Ruddered Bum Regatta. Robin asked Edith to be the Principal Race Officer (PRO) at that time, and HRB was restored as an annual winter regatta. UYC has hosted the regatta ever since.
In 2005, with the leadership of P.C. Eastman and the support of P.C. Sam Barazzone and others, the UYC Maritime Foundation was formed as a non-profit organization to promote sailing and other boating activities. From its earliest days it became the sponsor of the Hot Ruddered Bum Regatta. The UYC Maritime Foundation continues to sponsor the regatta each year.
We look forward to another successful Hot Ruddered Bum Regatta on February 4!
Thanks to the many people who contributed and collected information about the history of the Hot Ruddered Bum Regatta, including P.C. Phil Eastman, P.C. Robin Terrell, P.C. Rick Smith, Edith Collins, Pam Keene, Bob Smith, Terry Ellis, Don Morris, Wayne Flanagan, and Charles VonHoven. Thanks also to the authors and compilers of the Club history in the “Our Story” section of the UYC website, especially P.C. Tom Gresham, Gene Myler and Jim Hale for their discussion of UYC sailing and the Hot Ruddered Bum Regatta, and to Club Historian Bill Carroll. I encourage everyone to read “Our Story.”
Dale Owens
Fleet Captain Sail